In any industry whether that be business, manufacturing, financial or floral, customers are the beating heart of any successful business. Each sector has its own unique users who are attached to their desired brand by a story. Every day is not the same. Its the kind of job that keeps you guessing, its about being in tune with your feelings and emotions. Each persons story has its own unique journey which is filled with the highest peaks and the deepest valleys. Gail's Floral is just one of the destinations that delivers a cushion to any blow that life may throw or the podium to your celebration. In this industry, selling flowers, making arrangements and providing a unique design service, you tend to find yourself investing a considerable amount of time into hearing why someone has ordered a particular arrangement. Its about taking someone's story, their reason for the order and tailor making it to their needs at the time. From a happy birthday to a get well, from a new born birth to a heartbreak passing. This shop, this flower business is about life.